Proposal: Improved language preferences panel

CCBYSA Frank Bennett

Zotero are beginning to convert the user interface to `React`_, in preparation for migrating their code base away from Firefox to a new home in `Electron`_. The conversion is already happening, and the Preferences panel is `the next target in their roadmap`__. The current language preferences panel is Jurism is not intuitive to work with, and intimidating to new users. The React migration will be an opportunity to refashion it in a more inviting form. I could really use some help on this one.

Current plan

There isn’t much of one at the moment, but I’m thinking that sort of drag-and-drop selector, with samples of a full citation and bibliography entry in original, transliterated, and translated form, elements of which can be dragged into rendering slots, might be easier for people to understand and work with. But the details of that will need to be worked out, and it will need to be coded.

Seriously, this is going to need more hands than my own.