Proposal: Improvements to Citeproc Test Runner

CCBYSA Frank Bennett

This outlines some ideas for improving the workflow for maintaining style-level test suites using `Citeproc Test Runner`_.


Data for test fixtures can be drawn directly from Zotero libraries via This could streamline the test-creation process with adjustments to the role of library data, the layout of test fixtures and the capabilities of the test runner.

Library data items

One library item will correspond to one test fixture: if the metadata of an item is to be used in multiple tests, it must be duplicated. There are two special requirements, beyond core metadata:

  1. A short one-line description of the test for which the item is intended should be set in the Abstract field.
  2. The item should be placed in a collection named for the ID name of (each/the) style to be tested, such as jm-oscola.


In addition to an INPUT field, style tests should have an ITEM_KEY field containing a comma-delimited list of Zotero item keys for the items used in the test. Fixture keys are checked when updates are performed via the cslrun script.

Citeproc Test Runner: cslrun

The cslrun script will have a new option -u (--update), which calls the Zotero API to get a list of all items in the collection bearing the same name as the name of the style tests subdirectory (which in turn should correspond to the style ID name), casting draft fixtures for any items that are not already represented (by their ITEM_KEY values) in the existing tests.